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A Little Controversy...

Well, hello my friends. I've had the chance to process a lot lately as I rested postoperatively (in between Netflix binges, let’s be real) – and so I decided that we should have a hard conversation. Well, I guess it’s a monologue right now, but I hope it opens up into a discussion. Today, I’d like to talk about something that’s still relatively taboo in our society: depression and drugs. No, not illegal drugs. Depression is something that I’ve struggled with for a long time ... really, since the onset of puberty. When I was younger, sports helped me - I was active (endorphins) and I was in community, albeit at times forced. lol. But truthfully, I didn't deal with it well. Throughout the years, I went through counseling a few times, and tried many of the holistic routes of dealing with depression ( taking supplements, taking/using oils, reading more, journaling more, praying more, exercising more, doing yoga, painting more, etc ), and each of them helped in a way, f

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